OBSAH I. Studie Dana DVOŘÁČKOVÁ-MALÁ: K možnostem výzkumu panovnického dvora v pozdním středověku v českých zemích / On the possibility of research of the sovereign court in the Late Middle Ages in the Czech lands (s. 7–16) - The study presents a synopsis of the existing scholarship on the theme of courtly research in the Czech lands, which has taken place in various qualities and quantities since the end of the 1970s. It summarizes the individual results and existing methodological routes while pointing out the as-yet untouched or insufficiently elaborated themes. Parametre:
Autor:kolektív autorov Rok vydania:2014 Vydavateľ:Historický ústav AV ČR Počet strán:180 Väzba:Mäkká väzba / Paperback Jazyk:čeština